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Blumen Lumen

The Blumen Lumen flowers open throughout the day and light up at night.
A kinetic sculpture that lights up and reacts to the weather - and you can talk to it

Blumen Lumen is a kinetic art installation of three tall metal flowers in Downtown Silver Spring, MD created by Foldhaus Collective in April 2021. I joined the project to help bring the flowers to life through software. The flowers were designed to react to voice commands and to the weather.

A flower!

I joined the team to implement voice recognition, as well as help with weather features. I also wrote the servers that act as the communication layer between Lumenarium (the software that controls the LEDs) and the motor hardware, and logging functionality that allows us to debug remotely and monitor and get alerts if the flowers are not operating normally. See a demo of the voice commands below.

This project is still very new, will have more to share in the future :)

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